Well I have kept away from the cheese and butter. Ate more fruit and vegetables, chicken and fish, especially smoked mackerel and roll mop herrings, two of my favourite fish. I love all seafood, it was wonderful in Australia the fresh seafood was so available and cheap. I have recently started shopping on the open market, I pass it each time I go to the gym and it seemed only sensible to check it out as my Mum always got her fresh fruit and vegetables off the open market every week. For many years we lived near the Market.After my Grandfather died my Mum took over the licence of the Public House he ran,it was in the town centre a coupl eof years later we moved into another Pub across town. I was glad when we left and bought a proper house as we had no family life when we lived in the Pub. Mum and dad worked long hours every day, it was very hard on all of us as it was never really a home. So I now call twice a week to get a bag of fresh fruit and veg and its much cheaper than at the supermarket. Also there is a wonderful fish market where I can browse with interest all the new and exotic fish that are displayed on the slabs. We have such a diverse community now, their tastes have to be catered for too. The market has changed though from mum`s days ,its much quieter,no costermongering as its against the law,now also under cover and less fun.
Woke one morning to find my kitchen window had two long scratched down the centre. The rest of the window and frame was OK so it wasn’t intruders. We now believe it to be Magpies fighting as they are so aggressive at the moment and spend most of the day stutting around my back garden. If a stray bird dares to land, they attack and there is an awful battle some times two against one. I have stopped putting food out for the birds for a while, hoping they will go away.
Brilliant Poetry Nights at the Howcroft Bolton and the Boars Head Middleton, both nights exceptional. It is National Poetry Day on the 9th October I always submit a poem to be displayed in the local Libraries around the town . This year the theme is Work. There is a exhibition at the Museum of Humphrey Spender photographs 1930 & 1940 . I spent a few hours enjoying the displays and watching archive footage of old Bolton looking for inspiration . It really took me back to my childhood, seeing the town as it was and witnessing events that had been over the past sixty plus years. I am not going to mention the weather. Its still bad.
Market Information
Visit Spenders website
My Poem for National Poetry Day inspired by Spender`s photographs.
King Cotton
In bygone years times where hard
For men, women and children at work
In the Cotton Mills
Of Lancashire.
Industrial Revolution built
Distinctive towns of tall chimneys
Belching soot and smoke
Into the sky with menace.
Whole families toiled
Amidst the heat dust and noise.
Machinery and men
Processed the cotton.
Raw cotton picked by slaves
In searing sun and servitude.
Shipped across the sea.
Combed and spun in
Hot Humid unhealthy
Environment, ideal for the cotton
But not the workers.
Long days without daylight,
Fresh air denied.
The endless drumming of machines,
The pounding of the belts and pulleys
Detrimental and deafening .
A constant fluttering of fine fibres
Float in the air
Clogging lungs.
Accidents a common feature
Of cleaned machinery, that did not stop.
Clothes and hair
Festooned like Christmas ornaments
A permanent reminder to all
Of who they were.
Hooters heard throughout the town
Called the workers,
Equally strident
Released them.
The huge steam engine stilled.
Machines rumbled to silence,
Cog wheels coaxed singing belts to stop.
Rooms became quiet, as Cathedrals.
Lines of weary workers
Clogs on cobbles
Shuffle by like a defeated army in retreat.
Mills at night like ships at sea
Windows ablaze,
The steady beat of the pistons
Heard throughout streets of
Terraced houses, row after row.
A depressive reflection of life
In cotton towns.
Poverty and harsh times, forcing
Children and women
To take the industrial treadmill
That made Cotton King and Cotton Barons rich.
And did those feet in bygone years
Walk upon Northern cobble streets.
And did the mighty engines roar
In all those dark satanic mills.
And did those rich Cotton Barons
Live well, in English pastures green.
ValCook 2008
Monday, 25 August 2008
Monday, 18 August 2008
Birthday Month
Still no let up in the weather “ Rain Rain go away come again another day.” a flash back to my childhood. Between the showers I have been walking more, almost daily. I had my routine medical check and was told my Cholesterol was raised to 6 mmol. So its more exercise and cut back on the cheese and butter. Boy that will be a sacrifice as I love all types of cheese and bread isn’t the same without butter. But I will survive my B/P is good, all other tests OK and I feel fit and well.
“It was on a Monday morning the gas man came to call “ by Flanders and Swan one of my favourite songs. (click link below) Yes I had my Gas Central Heating Boiler replaced and was very impressed, it was all done in six hours with very little mess . I was also pleased that they agreed to take my old asbestos soil pipe that had laid on the garage roof for months. It was a heavy 16 foot pipe that was replaced in February following damage by strong winds. It was swinging off the gable end after breaking lose from the wall United Utilities replaced the pipe but refused to remove the old one as it required specialists removal due to complicated health and safety aspects of dealing with asbestos. I could not find anyone locally to remove the pipe so it had laid up there in safety since, but it was a relief to see it go.
Can’t wait to use my new boiler controls that are now situated in the kitchen as apposed to the boiler house. Plus my water pressure seems to have improved especially in the shower Wow Wee !! Great Fun. August is Birthday Month for Amy Ben and Sam my wonderful grandchildren. In 1992 I was delighted to have two grandsons, born within 12 hours of each other. But Amy is special because she was the first grandchild and our only granddaughter. I also have my darling Ryan who is the youngest born in 2002 and lives just five minutes away. Amy and Ben live in Australia and Sam lives in North Yorkshire. When they were little children I enjoyed spending a lot of time with them but now they are young adult its not the same, I still love them lots and value each precious moment I have with them. I have been knitting tiny hats for the charity "Save the Children" it only takes me an hour to complete one. Babies lose so much heat through their head especially premature babies wearing a hat can save many tiny lives. Once I start knitting it becomes an obsession,I relax so easily and lose time clicking those needles. I regret that children today don`t like to wear home knit any more,they prefer to wear labels and young mothers dress their babies in mostly designer wear. I have seen tiny babies so uncomfortable wearing denim wear ,why to impress, I think its an age issue.
“It was on a Monday morning the gas man came to call “ by Flanders and Swan one of my favourite songs. (click link below) Yes I had my Gas Central Heating Boiler replaced and was very impressed, it was all done in six hours with very little mess . I was also pleased that they agreed to take my old asbestos soil pipe that had laid on the garage roof for months. It was a heavy 16 foot pipe that was replaced in February following damage by strong winds. It was swinging off the gable end after breaking lose from the wall United Utilities replaced the pipe but refused to remove the old one as it required specialists removal due to complicated health and safety aspects of dealing with asbestos. I could not find anyone locally to remove the pipe so it had laid up there in safety since, but it was a relief to see it go.
Can’t wait to use my new boiler controls that are now situated in the kitchen as apposed to the boiler house. Plus my water pressure seems to have improved especially in the shower Wow Wee !! Great Fun. August is Birthday Month for Amy Ben and Sam my wonderful grandchildren. In 1992 I was delighted to have two grandsons, born within 12 hours of each other. But Amy is special because she was the first grandchild and our only granddaughter. I also have my darling Ryan who is the youngest born in 2002 and lives just five minutes away. Amy and Ben live in Australia and Sam lives in North Yorkshire. When they were little children I enjoyed spending a lot of time with them but now they are young adult its not the same, I still love them lots and value each precious moment I have with them. I have been knitting tiny hats for the charity "Save the Children" it only takes me an hour to complete one. Babies lose so much heat through their head especially premature babies wearing a hat can save many tiny lives. Once I start knitting it becomes an obsession,I relax so easily and lose time clicking those needles. I regret that children today don`t like to wear home knit any more,they prefer to wear labels and young mothers dress their babies in mostly designer wear. I have seen tiny babies so uncomfortable wearing denim wear ,why to impress, I think its an age issue.
http://www.savethechildren.org.uk/en/5072.htm Get clicking those needles and save a premature babies life
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPZM8Ebt-mU Listen to Flanders & Swans song
" It was on a Monday morning the gas man came to call"
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Trip to Tate Liverpool

Well the Music Festival was cancelled the day before the opening. The Council Officials said it was due to a lack of funds. It seems odd to me that it was left so late in the day to cancel the event. Some of our poets had hurried back from holiday to attend and I am sure many others were just as disappointed. To top it the weather was terrific all weekend, warm sunshine and vivid blue skies. Typical.
It has been hot and sticky most days wet or dry, I hate this high humidity it so tiring. There have been some very hot days recently which have kept me indoors. I chose one day to go to the movies to see Mama Mia in the air conditioned theatre. I loved the music and the scenery but I thought the story was too weak. Abba are a great favourite of mine, their music always makes me feel good.
Drove over to Middleton Sunday night to the Poetry Gig there where lots of new faces and some great poems shared.
Spent most of the week doing housework. I tend to leave it until it is screaming at me from all corners. I am quite tidy and keep things together but it’s the “bottoming” that I hate. Still its done now so I can relax for another few months. Ha ha.
I can`t believe its August, where is our summer? The shops are full of summer clearance bargains,no one is buying this year. I know I haven`t bought much and I won`t be buying even now at these bargain prices. I don’t think I have worn a dress or a skirt since last summer.And I have worn shoes and socks more than sandals too.
Had a great day out yesterday at the Tate Liverpool. With 48 members of the Women’s Institute we attended the Gustav Klimt Exhibition . Prior to the viewing we had an hours lecture by one of the guides, it was an essential prerequisite to the exhibition and made it so much easier to understand what we where seeing. There where furniture and designs as well as paintings and drawings, some rather exotic as Gustav Klimt was very interested in the female form and had a rather risk`a reputation. I have for many years admired Gustav Klimt`s paintings and have three of his prints on my wall at home. The Kiss: Birch Trees and Mother and Baby. After the exhibition we travelled by coach to Crosby Beach to see Antony Gormleys Iron Men. It was a lovely balmy evening, the sun came out so we enjoyed a walk along the beach where we had the opportunity to take some photos. A tiring but very interesting day.
It has been hot and sticky most days wet or dry, I hate this high humidity it so tiring. There have been some very hot days recently which have kept me indoors. I chose one day to go to the movies to see Mama Mia in the air conditioned theatre. I loved the music and the scenery but I thought the story was too weak. Abba are a great favourite of mine, their music always makes me feel good.
Drove over to Middleton Sunday night to the Poetry Gig there where lots of new faces and some great poems shared.
Spent most of the week doing housework. I tend to leave it until it is screaming at me from all corners. I am quite tidy and keep things together but it’s the “bottoming” that I hate. Still its done now so I can relax for another few months. Ha ha.
I can`t believe its August, where is our summer? The shops are full of summer clearance bargains,no one is buying this year. I know I haven`t bought much and I won`t be buying even now at these bargain prices. I don’t think I have worn a dress or a skirt since last summer.And I have worn shoes and socks more than sandals too.
Had a great day out yesterday at the Tate Liverpool. With 48 members of the Women’s Institute we attended the Gustav Klimt Exhibition . Prior to the viewing we had an hours lecture by one of the guides, it was an essential prerequisite to the exhibition and made it so much easier to understand what we where seeing. There where furniture and designs as well as paintings and drawings, some rather exotic as Gustav Klimt was very interested in the female form and had a rather risk`a reputation. I have for many years admired Gustav Klimt`s paintings and have three of his prints on my wall at home. The Kiss: Birch Trees and Mother and Baby. After the exhibition we travelled by coach to Crosby Beach to see Antony Gormleys Iron Men. It was a lovely balmy evening, the sun came out so we enjoyed a walk along the beach where we had the opportunity to take some photos. A tiring but very interesting day.
double click on the thumbprint images and their beauty will surprise you.
The iron men on the beach at Crosby
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