Friday saw me in Slaidburn a lovely village situated in the Forest of Bowland.
It was the Lancashire Federation of Women`s Institutes 90th Birthday Jamboree, organised walks around the area and a Birthday party in the afternoon . About three to four hundred descended on this picturesque area, I chose a short walk in the morning that was more strenuous than I anticipated because of all the styles we had to climb over, it was more like an obstacle race. I had to forgo the walk in the afternoon because I was so tired and it was almost as soon as we got back, we had taken so much longer than anticipated. But the weather was good and we all had a great time. I have been to Slaidburn many times to stay with my friend who each year is a Volunteer Warden at the Youth Hostel there,this year it coincided with our Jamboree. A school friend from way back had driven up from Wales with two of her friends, to stay for a few days so I had a lovely visit with them too. It was a wonderful day even though I was so stiff and achy for days after. Each time I do one of these WI organised walks I always regret it and then turn up again for more misery.
Was back in Harrogate last weekend to witness the Knarsborough Bedrace. It’s a charity Event organised by the Rotary Club and what a spectacle. 90 beds decked out to the Theme of “Work” and pushed around the town by hundreds of people in costume with at least a dozen to each bed, fantastic. The streets where lined with thousands who stayed for the end to watch four runners race the stripped beds with someone on it, around the town then plunge into the River Nidd to get the bed to the other side.
What a day, plus we had sunshine and it was good to spend time with Stue and family again.
The World Cup Football has taken over everywhere. St Georges Flag is flying from many many cars and homes and buildings. Buntings and paraphernalia are everywhere. And the English Team has been a terrible disappointment, the atmosphere is none existent. We expected so much and have received nothing so far. I do hope they improve their form and give us something to cheer about. And I am not a footy fan .!!
Enjoy the photos