Well its ages since I wrote my last entry, the weeks seem to have flown by. The weather has been amazing , many days of sunshine and its been hot at times, I burned my nose gardening. Now I can rest the garden is looking really tidy and the grass is growing well and looking much greener.. The bushes are filling out and my Hostas are showing, they look like the tips of bullets sticking out of the ground. I spent Mothers Day up in Knaresborough Stu loves to cook and he certainly filled the table. Took a walk with both of my boys, Sam just back for his Australian adventure, he has grown at least a foot, towering over his Dad and me. Lovely to see him home safe and well. I had a few days feeling really down ,stayed home and pottered around feeling miserable with all that is happening in this country and overseas, so much anger and sadness . It sometimes seem that all the news is bad and we rarely get a glimpse of the good that must be around us. What has also brought me down is the conclusion of “Everwood” my favourite morning TV show. It was a real pick me up to share my breakfast with Treat Williams, sad too that he has since died, I do miss his smiling face every morning. . To cheer me up I booked my flight to the States. I’ll be staying with my good friends Leslie and David in Tehachapi California, now I have a smile every time I think of my trip. Then my Computer crashed following 125 windows updates. I eventually had to reboot and reinstall programmes, applications and drivers it took me 6 hours. Thank god for Recovery Disks and backup, lost one or two photos but nothing important…