Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Women's Institute


17th May
The National Federation of Women’s Institutes’ (NFWI) AGM will be held on Wednesday 30 May 2012 at the Royal Albert Hall, London from 10.30am to 4.30pm.  More than 5,000 WI members are expected to attend to decide the organisation’s campaigning focus for the forthcoming year, and vote on the following resolution:
“There are chronic shortages of midwives. The NFWI calls on the Government to increase investment in the training, employment and retention of midwives in England and Wales to ensure services are adequately resourced and are able to deliver a high standard of care.”

 In fact it is a global problem but  relevant to us here at home.. I was asked by our committee to address the debate for the acceptance of the resolution that will go forward to the AGM in London. Nobody spoke against the resolution as it really was a forgone conclusion as everyone in our group voted for it.  I enjoyed  gathering the evidence and searching the latest information for my presentation and it was well received.   I had prepared sheets of facts and figures and stories  from my time as a Midwife but they where left unopened from the moment I started talking,  it came so natural to me the message from my heart.  It made me sad that the Midwifery Service is in such a mess, I hope and pray it will improve soon.

The WI is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK with more than 210,000 members in over 6,500 WIs, and over 21,000 new members joining in 2011. It plays a unique role in enabling women to develop new skills, giving them opportunities to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities, and provides wide-ranging activities for members to get involved in.


Last month  it was our WI’s turn to Host the Beacon Group Meeting, it’s not  a meeting it’s a social evening and usually we entertain in house, but this year we brought in the Barbers Shop Singer, local lads who have won many accolades for their performance.  I have known most of them for years as AJ was a member for a  while but work and other commitments intervened . They work hard and it shows,
it was a brilliant night, everyone commented on its success.

Been shopping  for my trip, always like to have something special for my  holidays. I was very lucky Marks & Sparks where having a sale so it didn’t take me long to find bargains.   I felt very energised for a couple of days  so I enjoyed working on the garden as  I had a problem.  Last year I had pebbles put around the borders at the front of the house to reduce the amount of weeds that where becoming the bane of my life. I get very few weeds at the back of the property because we are protected by fencing bushes and trees. The front is open plan with grass verges all the way up the road that where full of weeds last year.  Because of the financial cuts the Council decided not to cut the grass or weed, it was a big problem because road signs and street names  in places where covered over with long grass. People complained, so  now the Council mow some grassed areas and leave others that are not a priority. Anyway, I have three Hostas under these pebbles that I thought  would  have died due to the amount of week killer we applied  and the membrane and pebbles that was placed over them. Imagine my surprise as I watched these three black mountains steadily rise up from the pebbles. Eventually I decided to act and dug up one of the Hostas, it took me three hours, they are all huge and I almost filled the green bin. So I freed the other two from their black mountain and they are growing fast, will decide what to do this winter whilst they are dormant.

 Look who is peeping threw the pebbles

Free At Last

Had a delightful evening with some friends at a local  Spanish Tapas Bar, picked up and dropped off saw me quite ipsy tipsy, it was a good night.  Glad I am back to my regular Google Blog it was quite upsetting to think that I  would lose all my Journals from 2008, thankfully we are back. Managed to download and store the Journals on my external hard drive.  I would like to think that my great great grandchildren and their children will read them and learn something about there Granma’s life. I wish I had the opportunity to know more about my parents and their families, but its too late now everyone’s  memories have gone.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Do not even ask me how this has happened but Google has reconstructed my pages.
So Happy

The patio nearly done.

Rhubarb is recovering

24th April 2012

It is ages since I wrote to this blog because I have been so busy over the past few weeks I simply haven’t had time.. So it feels good to be sat here writing to you all once again. But the Google Blog has had a dramatic change,I am going to have to learn new techniques, so stay with me I hope its a success.   I have been busy organizing a trip to see my brother and his wife in Worcestershire  and my cousins who live in Cornwall. I  like to drive but it’s a long way to Cornwall so I spent a couple of days  in Worcestershire  on my way down and again break the journey with on my way  back. I am really looking forward to seeing them again and catching up . I feel so isolated at times being so far away from my family Cathi & Kids in Australia, Stue & Co in Yorkshire and others scattered around the UK. Thankfully Andy and Ryan live close by and lately ex. husband ! he  flew down to Perth this week to see Cathi  & kids and to get some sun.  The clocks sprung forward  again on the 25th March giving us more daylight time, the long dark winters are so draining, it’s a joy to wake up these days even though its raining… The weather its always about the weather, well the drought has now travelled into some parts of Yorkshire, the wild life is suffering and crops are diminished, there is a hose pipe ban throughout so soon the areas will be in crisis, but the Northwest has an abundance of water due to the rain! Now my greenhouse has gone I decided to replace the rear window in the garage as it looks over the Patio and was in dire need of help. Certainly improves the area now so I can concentrate on what to do with the crazy paving that has over the past 50 years I have lived here supported a huge oil tank, a  greenhouse and looks shabby.  Pebbles/ astro turf or repaved ??
Easter was very quiet, had a nice long chat to Cathi, all is well in Oz. It was a lo-o-o-ng weekend, boredom saw me batch baking  Chocolate cake and flapjacks and my freezer is full of tasty meals for next few weeks. Had to get out and walk even though it was raining, sitting is no good for my mental state and all the chocolate eggs I consumed was lying heavy on my conscience.
Started potting on some pink and white carnations and sowing some sweet peas and sunflowers seeds in time for the summer. Its rather ironic I  now have this urge to potter  pots after just giving my greenhouse away. Any way my patio will need some colour this summer.
Out to lunch with my usual buddies, where would I be without them.
Today I attended the funeral of my friend  and colleague Joyce was a retired midwife and it was good to see so many old friends again. We spent all afternoon reminiscing, a truly warm and fond farewell to Joyce.
Have started doing jigsaws on the computer and really enjoy the challenge the more complicated the puzzle the better.

Posted 3 weeks ago by Valerie Cook
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