Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Short & Sweet

 Whalley Abbey Ruins

Clitheroe Castle

6th March 2013

Oh dear I am so behind in my Blogs, as you will have noticed by the date of the last one.
February was just one of those months that flew by and was over before I realised . Sorry.
My Birthday was all I expected, I  enjoyed spending time with  my friends and being spoiled it  is the high point of birthdays.  Unfortunately I injured my hip in December  and was somewhat incapacitated by the  increasing pain especially getting upstairs .  I saw the Doctor who sent me for an X Ray and found there are signs of some arthritis in my right hip. This was good news, as I was imagining so many other more debilitating condition like you do when you have a back ground in nursing..  The medication is working I do feel improvement and the inflammation  is reducing, hopefully all  will be better when the weather gets warmer.
On saying that my hip was painful, I did go walking around the ancient towns of  Clitheroe and Whalley one weekend , when the sun was shining it was impossible to sit indoors. Climbed too many steps up to Clitheroe  Castle only to find it was just a museum and a ruin. Stopped off to see Whalley Abbey and peruse the shops,anyone who is anyone shops in Whalley!
I will be glad when Spring arrives and everything  is green again, there are a few brave snowdrops around and many green shoots showing themselves due to the warmer weather. I have so many bulbs in the garden, every year I am  always surprised by the numbers that come up, they seem to multiply every year.
Been out  on the garden this last week tidying up, cleared another mountain of dead leaves and twigs from the many trees that surround me. I love the trees and would  not be without them but in Autumn and Spring they do require some backbreaking work. Lots of  little birds around too, which add to the joy of working outside.
I presented my B9 Audience Rapport at Speakers Club but let myself down by running over the 8 minutes allocated for the speech, which is fatal… I will repeat it no worries.

Just a note on my wonderful ceramic kitchen knife by ‘taylor eye witness’ its brilliant will cut through anything, like a knife in butter, love it.
A short and sweet report this time, to keep in touch with you all.
Byeeee  XXX