18th May
Started the month off with an invitation to visit the National Media Museum in Bradford to see King Lear a live screening from the National Theatre in London. The casting was brilliant, a lot to take in and quite violent towards the end but I did enjoy it. I look forward to another visit someday.
Spring always sets me off organising and changing things, I decided to upgrade the spare room as it had become a dumping ground for anything and everything. Replaced the guest bed with a Futon to give me more room . The mattress, a lovely deep terracotta has to be conditioned before it will fit into the seating position. I have to roll it alternate ways daily and sit on it until it has more flexibility, quite a job. But it has given me more floor space and the room will look better when I have finished. I also have ordered new window blinds and rugs. In the garden I have planted some late showing bulbs that Jane brought back from Amsterdam last month and dug up the pathetic limbless Christmas Tree that has been growing ever taller in the corner for the past eight years…. I gave it its chance.
I have re-engaged Green Thumb to care for my lawn again as its looking very sad due to the horrendous amount of rain over the winter, and it is looking a little better today.
Very pleased to announce our WI website is now live after seven weary months struggling with the software. Looking for some interesting features and photos now to upload..
5th May was Lucy’s birthday she expressed an interest in taking afternoon tea in the Midland Hotel Morecambe, an iconic building recently renovated in the art deco style.
June drove, Betty Lucy and I sat back in comfort and enjoyed the ride. It was a rather robust day and knowing Morecambe we wrapped up well. It was very windy but thankfully dry. The tea was special, quite a sugar rush but we survived and then we walked along the Prom for a while, took a drive to Heysham and then back home via a very busy motorway. It was a typical girls day out, we never stopped talking all day… I was bushed it was a grand day out.
This week I was excited to watch Alan Bennet talking to Nicholas Hytner on BBC4 .I have followed his writings for ever, he has the rare talent of getting to the centre of people, attitudes and life styles. The Madness of King George is one of my favourites and it was a real treat to watch some of his “Talking Head” BBC TV one act plays they are so good.
Remember I couldn’t get any fence panels well its still a problem.
Its all go now, flight tickets for our holiday have arrive taxi booked travel insurance and currency on its way. Excited …..
Lovely sunshine, this weekend has promised a heat wave yesterday Saturday 17th was wonderful was on the garden all day writing, reading and snoozing. Started walking every day usually in the evening I have a route which just takes me about an hour, I sometimes gain speed especially down hill, ha ha….
I have to be pretty fit to keep up with the group we will be with on holiday, it’s far from a relaxing holiday, we are up early and back late from our excursions in Catalonia . I am excited as we will be staying in Barcelona a couple of days and have plenty of opportunity to see Antoni Gaudi’s astonishing architecture. I have been in love with Spain since the early 60’s,returning many times to view its history and culture that never fails to move me, El Cid was an iconic movie that I can watch again and again…
I am not a sun worshipper but a seeker of substance. and interest.
Take care of yourselves and everyone dear to you.
Love you all.
Valerie XX