Broken Heart
Where is the love that once was ours
How many years has it been?
Since you took the sun and left me showers
How much rain have I seen?
My broken heart will never heal
The fissure is deep and wide,
With only a superficial seal
That opens and bleeds inside;
When all the hurt is again revealed
By the hurtful memories I thought where sealed.
The knife that cut was long and thin,
Silent as it slid right in.
It gave me pain that I could not bear,
So hot and searing was the tear
That ripped my heart so deep and wide;
And I cried as I have never cried.
I swore, stamped and got up steam
To howl and scream as in a dream.
I was angry, despondent, suicidal and mad
The love was gone the love I had.
Betrayed dejected depressed and alone
I felt my broken heart turn to stone.
Where is the love that once was ours
How many years has it been?
Since you took the sun and left me showers
How much rain have I seen?
My broken heart will never heal
The fissure is deep and wide,
With only a superficial seal
That opens and bleeds inside;
When all the hurt is again revealed
By the hurtful memories I thought where sealed.
The knife that cut was long and thin,
Silent as it slid right in.
It gave me pain that I could not bear,
So hot and searing was the tear
That ripped my heart so deep and wide;
And I cried as I have never cried.
I swore, stamped and got up steam
To howl and scream as in a dream.
I was angry, despondent, suicidal and mad
The love was gone the love I had.
Betrayed dejected depressed and alone
I felt my broken heart turn to stone.
<©> Valerie Cook 2001
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