object near the door was used to mend cartwheels.

It took me a few days to recover from the weekend and by Wednesday I was fit to mow the lawns . Green Thumb`s Spring treatment had boosted the grass so much, it took me a long time to get it neat. I am always pleased when the grass has been cut, it is a constant effort throughout the summer to keep the gardens tidy. But its worth it, I love to see the flowers and the colour returning as spring turns to summer. I am going to buy new containers this year and do something different out front, but the problems is people steal nice plants, ornaments and containers even though they may be secure and fastened down,they still get taken from the front of houses and sold on at Car Boot sales. So you see its not good to attract attention. On Friday, Dorothy June and I drove up to Slaidburn a village in the Forest of Bowland and met up with Betty and Astrid . Betty is volunteer Warden at the Youth Hostel for the week and Astrid was company and helped out. I stayed at the Hostel with Betty in 2006 /07,it’s a cheerful place and always full of interesting people cyclists ,walkers and families. The weather has been lovely this week, warm and sunny every day so I have banished my winter clothes and enjoy wearing lightweights again. I am surprised every time, by the summer bargains I bought at the end of last year and packed away, especially the shoes. Sunday I was invited to a surprise 70th Birthday party that Sheila’s family had arranged . We all met up again at her sons home, following her birthday lunch on Thursday and had a great time. Caterers provided heaps of Thai food to die for.
Spent most of Monday with my friend Ann and her husband who have just returned after spending the winter in New Zealand. Its always good to have them back I do miss them. I first met her as a Student Nurse back in 1959 and we met again after many years when my son started work at Fairfields Hospital prior to commencing his Nurse Training, she was the Theatre Superintendent at the hospital. They emigrated to Australia the same year Catherine and Co went. We visited them in Cairns that winter whilst during our stay in Adelaide with Cathy. They have now returned home and winter in New Zealand, close to their youngest son and family. In 2005 I went out to visit for a couple of weeks during my visit to Cathy, who was now living in Perth.. I loved new Zealand it is England at its Best but its a long flight .
Thursday evening it was the Midwives Reunion at a local Restaurant. An annual event that has seen our number decline steadily but its good to catch up with everyone.
Take a walk through the village of Slaidburn www.walkingbritain.co.uk/walks/walks/walk_b/2216
Spent most of Monday with my friend Ann and her husband who have just returned after spending the winter in New Zealand. Its always good to have them back I do miss them. I first met her as a Student Nurse back in 1959 and we met again after many years when my son started work at Fairfields Hospital prior to commencing his Nurse Training, she was the Theatre Superintendent at the hospital. They emigrated to Australia the same year Catherine and Co went. We visited them in Cairns that winter whilst during our stay in Adelaide with Cathy. They have now returned home and winter in New Zealand, close to their youngest son and family. In 2005 I went out to visit for a couple of weeks during my visit to Cathy, who was now living in Perth.. I loved new Zealand it is England at its Best but its a long flight .
Thursday evening it was the Midwives Reunion at a local Restaurant. An annual event that has seen our number decline steadily but its good to catch up with everyone.
Take a walk through the village of Slaidburn www.walkingbritain.co.uk/walks/walks/walk_b/2216
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