The last week in September was delightful, sunny and warm I was able to get the garden bedded down for the winter. Regretfully I have lost a number of plants due to the cold winds and rain and boy did the slugs and snails have a feast this year. My elbow was a problem again but being my left arm I am able to manage. Started Physiotherapy which was rather painful but persevered and now I have more mobility in the joint. Began knitting again after maybe six or seven years and Ryan watched me knitting premature baby hats for Save the Childrens project that our WI is supporting this year. (Last year we knitted lots of bob hats for the Mission for Seamen). He wanted one but knowing that he wouldn’t wear a hat for long I offered to knit him a sweater, a lovely bright red one ,his choice.
I have been on a shopping spree this month to brighten up my winter wardrobe. It is always a joy when you come across something you like and it fits. I had a good response to my talk at our October WI meeting, I spoke about my childhood and included some poetry too. The following Saturday I attended a Seminar on Speech Construction and was inspired to give a presentation at the end of the day spurred on by my success at the WI. Being Educational Director for our local club is proving to be rather a demanding role, but I will stick it out and hope as I become more experienced it will be less stressful.
My poetry is still a great part of my week. I enjoy writing listening to and reading poems and my style has changed over the past year as I read more diverse poetry. There has been an on going WOL discussion over the summer on what constitutes a good poem, as today there are so many differing styles all equally acceptable. I have entered Andrew Motions Poetry Competition in the Guardian, winners will have their poems on "Love" read by celebrity poets at a Reading later in the year. Crossed fingers. Well my car arrived in Dover on Monday, and it should soon be ready for collecting , ordered on the 23rd July I have been very patiently waiting over 10weeks I do hope I am not disappointed.
I have been on a shopping spree this month to brighten up my winter wardrobe. It is always a joy when you come across something you like and it fits. I had a good response to my talk at our October WI meeting, I spoke about my childhood and included some poetry too. The following Saturday I attended a Seminar on Speech Construction and was inspired to give a presentation at the end of the day spurred on by my success at the WI. Being Educational Director for our local club is proving to be rather a demanding role, but I will stick it out and hope as I become more experienced it will be less stressful.
My poetry is still a great part of my week. I enjoy writing listening to and reading poems and my style has changed over the past year as I read more diverse poetry. There has been an on going WOL discussion over the summer on what constitutes a good poem, as today there are so many differing styles all equally acceptable. I have entered Andrew Motions Poetry Competition in the Guardian, winners will have their poems on "Love" read by celebrity poets at a Reading later in the year. Crossed fingers. Well my car arrived in Dover on Monday, and it should soon be ready for collecting , ordered on the 23rd July I have been very patiently waiting over 10weeks I do hope I am not disappointed.
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