Well Stuart came down as promised and Andrew brought Ryan around to see his Granma. It was like old times putting up with the boys banter and teasing once again. Don’t think I could have coped with it for long though it would wear me out, as much as I love them. Managed to get to see most of my friends on my Christmas Visiting List. As we all are getting older the list gets longer,but it is good to see them and catch up, if only once a year. Our WOL Christmas Party was very successful after a few unfortunate hitches and some regulars down with flue. Thanks to Gemma for the Buffet, Katie for helping, Julian standing in as Compére and Sean who attended in spite of his injury to cover the Quiz. I always enjoy every evening at WOL, as everyone always makes such a effort.
The weather this week has been exceptional , bright clear blue skies and sunshine every day. Its been quiet mild really and in the sun very pleasant. Frosty and cold some mornings but on the whole a lovely week. The sales are on everywhere. I have avoided temptation as there is nothing I really want and often I buy things on impulse that I regret afterwards. Plus there are far too many cars on the roads and too many people out there in the shops. Altogether a manic experience. Been There ! Done That! No More!
Christmas day was quiet, Andrew finished work at 4pm and joined me for Dinner. It felt good cooking the Festive Meal once again with all the trimmings. The turkey was perfect and everything ran like clockwork. I have spent many Christmas Day in Australia and believe me nothing quite beats being at home in the cold fresh stimulating atmosphere of England at Christmas. Eating your own weight in food and drink in a cosy warm loving environment enjoying some great TV/video entertainment. As much as I love and miss Cathi Amy and Ben in Australia, home is where the heart is and at Christmas time one needs to be with family and friends.
Yesterday Dorothy and I went into Manchester to attend a performance of "The best of Gilbert and Sullivan`s Music and Songs" at the Bridgewater Hall. My Parents loved G & S operettas , Dad could sing most of the Mikado, HMS Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance and many more. They are firm favourites of mine too, so it took my back to my childhood hearing the familiar words and music. Afterwards we had dinner at a Turkish Restaurant in the City. A special treat for Dorothy who spent many years stationed in R.A.F Cyprus with her husband. It was good I enjoyed what I had, something wrapped in vine leaves, then Sea Bass and vegetables followed by a authentic honey based dessert, very sweet.
I hope you all had a great Christmas break and in a few a days it will be the New Year. Resolutions at the ready !
The Bridgewater Hall
This architecturally-stunning building hosts over 250 performances a year and boasts an award-winning restaurant and café bar. Its waterfront location in the heart of the city makes it an ideal conference and event venue.
Manchester's prestigious international concert hall opened in September 1996 and since its opening has continued to receive plaudits from artists and audiences alike. In March 1998, The Bridgewater Hall was named winner of a Civic Trust Special Award, given for the new building which has done the most to enhance the appearance of a city centre, as well as an award from the Royal Institute of British Architects in November of that year.
The Bridgewater Hall auditorium is surprisingly warm and intimate for a hall seating nearly 2,400 people. Rows of slender columns supporting a flat, coffered ceiling create the marvellous acoustic, while the seating is carefully tiered to draw the audience as closely as possible around and into the performance. The visual impact of the auditorium climaxes in the spectacular façade of the remarkable £1.2 million pipe organ, designed and built by Marcussen of Denmark.
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