Saturday, 31 January 2009
A Bird in My Chimney
Last Saturday I had a terrible day . A bird had fallen down my chimney and was trapped behind a steel shutter that we had placed in there when we took out the fireplace 20/30 ? years ago. We had lined the space with green slate and fitted a fancy electric fire inside the hole. It looked very nice indeed.
On coming downstairs that morning I heard frantic scratching coming from the front room, I could see there was dirt on the carpet in front of the fire and the noise was coming from inside the fireplace. I was terrified I thought it was a rat because we have been told, we are never more that a few feet from a rat at any one time!! Whoo Woo I was so scared this scratching was very loud. I knew my chimney was capped so I was convinced that nothing could have fallen down the chimney this “Thing” must have come out of the wall cavity. I rang for help but every one was out and no one responded to my calls. So running into the street I tried my neighbours and fortunately David from across the road came to my rescue. But we couldn’t shift the steel plate because it appeared to be bolted . I was also unsure whether I wanted the Thing to be set free in my lounge covered in soot and dirt, there was so much debris coming into the room from down the sides of the shutter, and we were choking from the dust. I was convinced the Thing would eventually burrow through into my house. Well, it went quiet and after a short spell of listening intently we realised that it had probably died or gone back where it had come from. Sweeping up the mess and checking the shutter again with a torch I found a tiny feather poking through the gap down the side. What a relief, but oh that poor bird I was so sorry we couldn’t get it out. Later in the day Andrew came in response to my calls, the shutter requires an Allen Key so he is going to return later in the week to remove the bird.
I could taste soot for day it was everywhere. I hope it never happens again. The chimney is capped but there are openings on two sides it must have gone in out of the rain poor thing.
After that the week was a breeze. I started a Philosophy Course at the U3A this week and really enjoyed the discussion on “What is Self” I am looking forward to next months session on "God". Attended three poetry gigs this week and went out to lunch twice; all very pleasant.. Today Saturday I drove up to Harrogate to catch up with Stuart and Sam. It was sunny and bright too, after all the dire weather warnings we have had, so we had a nice visit. Enjoyed the drive up there, as I can now open up the Punto and see what she can do, I wasn`t dissapointed kept within the speed limit like a good girl should.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Spring is on its way

January 23rd
What have I been doing this week apart from getting to grips with my new computer`s format . I know I will have to buy a wireless printer soon, as transfering work to the other PC to print out is getting fiddlie. Sunday evening was the Gig at WriteOutLoud. It was well attended 30+ poets shared their poetry, quite a diverse selection which adds to the enjoyment and the atmosphere was great I always come away with a buzz. It’s the Middleton Gig next Sunday, the atmosphere there is rather different, should I say quieter, refined, middleclass well more people wear ties! The Club Topics Contest at Speakers went smoothly I was timekeeping with Chris . A surprising outcome was that three of out newish members where given the opportunity to go forward to the ASC Area Contest in November as Winner, Runner Up and Reserve. They had to talk “off the cuff” for three minutes about Energy. We learned so much at the end of the evening about various forms of energy it turned out to be a very interesting evening. I have had very good news from Australia this week. Amy my granddaughter has been accepted at University and starts this February. I am so pleased for her she is an intelligent and smart young lady with the world at her feet, I am sure she will enjoy the challenges that University will bring and be successful in her studies.
Two of my good friends left the UK to spend the rest of the winter with family in the sun . Its true what they say “You never truly miss someone until their gone“ but they will be back in May.
We have had a heavy fall of snow and for a few hours on Monday and it looked as though it was here to stay. Then it rained the usual scenario slush and ice, then the sun came out and the snow was gone. I had a lovely day yesterday, out to lunch with my friends and afterwards shopping although I didn`t get anything. Once a month I meet up with girls who went to my secondary school Derby Street School for Girls(I the building was demolished last year) a regular date for the past 7 years. We have made contact with many who have left the Northwest or live abroad and I enjoy being in with this lively group. I am pleased to say there is evidence that Spring is on its way, the bulbs tips are showing and in some areas the snowdrops are out.
Friday, 16 January 2009
New Computer
Well all my decorations are back in their boxes and up in the loft for another year. I am seriously thinking about taking a cruise next Christmas to a warmer clime, it has been so cold these past weeks.
I have just spent an interesting few days researching a new computer. I have been concerned about my Computer for some time now. It kept freezing and the pixels would dance around the screen, until I rebooted. I downloaded a new Graphics Driver and it is now more stable but it was getting me down. Also knowing I am constantly downloading Microsoft security patches, upgrades and service packs and a multitude of Norton`s Virus upgrades. It was no wander my loyal friend of five years was giving up the ghost, it was just too much for its little memory to cope with. I knew it was not going to get better and could die at any moment. So I finally got my head around buying a more powerful Machine. (500gig hard drive 4gig RAM) also bought a 500Gig external hard drive to help me transfer my work to the new computer and for backup . I now have the challenge of Microsoft Vista . For those who don’t know much about PC`s all my Windows XP peripherals are incompatible with my new machine, printers scanners modems etc. I decided too that I would go online via a wireless router I thought it would be exciting to have a complete new experience. After a few false starts, I have the system up and running the PC is brilliant and I love the wireless connection. I can use my laptop anywhere in the house and even in the garden. I Find Windows Vista interface isn`t a problem and once I find where things are I feel sure I will enjoy using it.
Last Sunday with three friends from Speakers Club we took a tour of Manchester Art Gallery. The Tour Guide was Chris one of our members, so it was a special treat for us all. They had an Exhibition of Holman Hunt`s paintings, he played a central role in the radical Pre-Raphaelite art movement in the 19thcentury. I love the Pre Raphaelite style, each painting tells a story and the colours are so vivid The gallery was quite crowded but it was fun, I really enjoyed the afternoon.
Go see his paintings at
Thursday, 8 January 2009
January 8th.
Happy New Year
The big freeze has arrived minus 20 degrees in areas of the UK. Fortunately we live in a valley surrounded by moors and don’t get extreme weather but it still can be bad especially on the motorways and rural roads. I try to avoid going out or at least waiting until after midday when hopefully the gritters have cleared the main roads and the sun has defrosted most of the pavements.
The freezing fog is the worst, visibility is a whiteout from only a few yards When I worked in the community as a Midwife we had to go out to calls no matter what and I have experienced some hair raising moments often having to abandon the car and walk.
Check out this video its real scary.
Stuart came to stay overnight last week, he and Andrew had a night on the town. It was good to see my two sons together a rare sight as Andrew spent seven years from the age of 16 in the Royal Navy. Stuart being 5year his junior never had the opportunity to hang out with big brother during his teenage years. But now age is not a problem and it is good to know they have reached a point where age is not a barrier to friendship. Couldn`t cope with it for too long though as I have got use to my space and having two huge fellows sleeping over, as much as I love them, is…..! Went to see the Epic movie “Australia” I loved it but my friend thought it too long at 2 hours.45mins . I loved it and was choked up and dewy eyed a few times and I jumped with surprise more than once too, I like that. The film is a compilation of many stories and just as you think this is the end another crisis looms. I am not going to divulge the ending that would be unfair, go and see it.