Friday, 16 January 2009

New Computer

January 14th

Well all my decorations are back in their boxes and up in the loft for another year. I am seriously thinking about taking a cruise next Christmas to a warmer clime, it has been so cold these past weeks.
I have just spent an interesting few days researching a new computer. I have been concerned about my Computer for some time now. It kept freezing and the pixels would dance around the screen, until I rebooted. I downloaded a new Graphics Driver and it is now more stable but it was getting me down. Also knowing I am constantly downloading Microsoft security patches, upgrades and service packs and a multitude of Norton`s Virus upgrades. It was no wander my loyal friend of five years was giving up the ghost, it was just too much for its little memory to cope with. I knew it was not going to get better and could die at any moment. So I finally got my head around buying a more powerful Machine. (500gig hard drive 4gig RAM) also bought a 500Gig external hard drive to help me transfer my work to the new computer and for backup . I now have the challenge of Microsoft Vista . For those who don’t know much about PC`s all my Windows XP peripherals are incompatible with my new machine, printers scanners modems etc. I decided too that I would go online via a wireless router I thought it would be exciting to have a complete new experience. After a few false starts, I have the system up and running the PC is brilliant and I love the wireless connection. I can use my laptop anywhere in the house and even in the garden. I Find Windows Vista interface isn`t a problem and once I find where things are I feel sure I will enjoy using it.
Last Sunday with three friends from Speakers Club we took a tour of Manchester Art Gallery. The Tour Guide was Chris one of our members, so it was a special treat for us all. They had an Exhibition of Holman Hunt`s paintings, he played a central role in the radical Pre-Raphaelite art movement in the 19thcentury. I love the Pre Raphaelite style, each painting tells a story and the colours are so vivid The gallery was quite crowded but it was fun, I really enjoyed the afternoon.

Go see his paintings at

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