Well both Computers have now found good homes so I am happy, it makes me feel so righteous after I have recycled stuff. The weather has been sunny and warm so it was a joy to work in the garden again. I managed to prune all my bushes, some quite heavily but then I was a wee bit concerned because we where threatened with frost, but thankfully they look ok and some buds are evident . The bulbs are not doing well, I only have three daffodils showing colour and many many green shoots that I fear will not. The snowdrops are very brave, they have been out even under the snow, I suppose that’s why they are called Snowdrops. On the 6th of March I drove down to Worcestershire to visit with my brother and sister in-law and catch upmy niece and her girls. I enjoyed the drive down even though I was reduced to driving 50miles per hour 50% of the way,due to road works, but I didn’t mind, it was quite calming as apposed to frantic. The weather continued sunny and warm all weekend much warmer than home . Sunday I went swimming and then had the Sauna and Jacuzzi all to myself, really felt special and I have never been as clean for ages. There where quite a few visiters dropping by over the weekend so there was plenty going on. On the Monday mt brother and I took a long long walk around Pershore. It was good to spend time with him, I don’t think we have talked as much in years and even though he had a heavy cold and I feel sure he was feeling rough, he soldiered on. But that’s what he is good at, soldiering, having been in the Army until he retired. It was good to see their girls again too,it`s amazing how fast they grow up these days.
After my swim and relaxation we took me to see the bulb display at a local church yard A Spring Carpet of Snowdrops and Croci, it was breathtaking ,up north everything is so behind because of the cold winds.
Go see more photos:-
Spring Carpet
During the week I attended a local gig “Eclectricity” run by my friend Scott, a good mixture of poetry and music, featuring HoneyFeet a Manchester Jazz group., I couldn’t help but dance around to their music, it`s so foot tapping brilliant yet mellow and addictive. Loved it. By Friday I was starting the mother of all colds it really took my by surprise I can`t remember when I last had a cold so bad. Four days in bed , medicated to oblivion, coughing and sneezing almost continually . It was soooooo good when I stopped coughing. Unfortunately I missed out on the WI Spring Council Meeting at Southport .I was looking forward to hearing Sandi Torsvig speak, plus it`s an occasion when you meet up with friends from all the WI`s in the North. Today I had my hair cut, took a short brisk walk until it started to rain. I felt so sad at the state of the gardens there is just no colour at all. Spring has not yet sprung in Bolton!
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