The garden is really suffering with this dry weather and we start a hose pipe ban tomorrow.
When the gardener came to give the lawns their summer dressing his comment was “All we need now is some rain” So I responded with a “Rain Dance” and within 8hours we had a torrential downpour thunder and lightening and it continued all day and night and for the next two days it continued to rain. How’s that for initiative! The gardens loved it., when I am not out and about I am in the garden all day until late, its been so special in the evenings warm and quiet I love it.
Had a nice long telephone conversation with Cathi and kids last week, it was good to hear them and know they are ok. Although B. had just recovered from a nasty Rugby injury to his knee that had him on crutches for a while but he is back in the scrum again and enjoying his game.
Felt very energised these past few weeks, it could be due to the amount of sunshine we are enjoying as I never want to be indoors…so I decided to scrub the patios and the driveway till it gleamed. Had the garage door to the back garden replaced with a UPVC security door, one can never be too careful, there have been burglars in the area and the old door just wasn’t really secure but now it is..
When I took the house over in 2000 I made a long list of jobs to be done around the house and this back door was the last on the list, so I am very pleased with myself.
Took a drive out to Colne with my friend Muriel to Boundary Mill, a popular factory outlet, it was their Sale. We had lunch first in their elegant restaurant, Muriel’s treat, then began to shop in earnest .. We both came home with some brilliant bargains. I really have to stop buying clothes or at least send some to the charity shop. Since Andy came to stay I just do not have the room anymore and I hate parting with anything.
I have been fascinated watching a tree surgeon at work in the next garden. We have so many huge trees at the back its become a problem, they cut out the light to the houses and the gardens suffer too. This is the third tree in the past two years to be removed. I must admit now we have more light in the back bedroom. Also it the amount of leaves that fall in the autumn that are a problem too, and they always seem to land in my garden.
Spent a lovely day with Betty in Erby Youth Hostel, way out in the Yorkshire Dales. She is the volunteer for this week,last month she was looking after Slaidburn YH. I always try and go see her because she has free time in the afternoons and we toddle off and have a great time. We took a ride to Grassing ton a lovely village in the hills and had afternoon tea at Percival Hall, expensive and disappointing.
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