Friday, 11 November 2011

Bonfire Night


10th November

Hi everyone
Well the bike rides will have to stop until maybe Spring as  I came off the bike and cut my knee and hurt my shoulder. The accident was due to a combination of rain, autumn leaves, a sharp incline plus fatigue.Also the week before I was chased and bitten on the leg by a small terrier, fortunately I wore waterproof over pants so no teeth marks but a far sized bruise.  Later in the week we had a beautiful sunny day so I took a trip out to Bury and had a good mooch around the shops and open market, bought some neat shoes and a sweater then  lunch before catching the bus home. I like to travel by bus into town as its such a hassle parking when you have to constantly be aware of the time. Parking  fines can be as much as £60 if you overstay the time and  we have very diligent Parking Wardens , I think many must be on commission. After being fined three times in one year I now use the bus into town is less stressful and its free for us oldies.
  I am feeling rather good now that Dorothy and I have booked our  summer holiday,its always seems  such a chore when there are so many choices. This was my first choice touring  Southern France and the Pyrenees with  PTG Rail and Culture, it will be our fourth tour with them .We are joining up with friends from previous trips, it going to be exhausting but fun, first class all the way..

Caught up with  a few friends this past week who I haven’t seen for ages and  cuddled a darling baby boy that really made my day. Said  ‘Bon Voyage to close friends who escape the cold by  wintering in New Zealand, I will miss them as it feels good to have them in my life but they will back in April brown as nuts..
Had my annual  flue jab,thankfully there is a reports of a 'One Off'  flue vaccine being available soon …. good I hate needles.

There was a horrendous multiple car crash on the M5 motorway this past week, which could have been caused by a stray firework and smoke from a  nearby bonfire could have added to the already poor visibility due to the weather, and  lack of lights on the motorway.  I was anxious  for a while because my brother and his wife where staying in the area and I thought  they may have been travelling that stretch of motorway, until they contacted me to say they where home earlier.…  many town councils due to the economic downturn  have been  reducing /removing lighting from motorways and roads,not a good idea.  I frequently travel home from visiting  my son in  Yorkshire and driving over the unlit Yorkshire Moors without the aid of the moon, in total darkness is not  good. Even with headlights and full beam its still not enough especially when a boy racer is on your back. I  do use the  Motorway sometimes but it  a longer journey  and there are unlit stretches on there too.  I must be getting old??
This month I have been able to help a couple of my friends with computer problems . It always amazes me how much I know about basic computing but I admit, there is much more  I don’t know. So  I am frequently faced with is a challenge that I really enjoy completing...

This is the itinerary of my holiday ------  

Go visit Bury Market -----

This is the history as to why we light bonfires and fireworks every year on the 5th November

'Remember Remember the Fifth of November
Gunpowder Treason and  Plot'  

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