Tuesday, 12 June 2012

My Trip to Cornwall

12th June

Keeping their eyes on me.


Black Swans native of Australia

Mr Rooster looking after his Harem

"Can I come with you?" said the duck

Cornish Lane leading down to Popes Mill

I am home again after my visit to Pershore, Liskard and Tavistock catching up with my relatives who I haven’t seen in ages. Rested up for the weekend in Pershore with my brother  Bill and his wife Carol  then travelled down the motorway to see Pam and Tony in Cornwall.  We had wonderful weather all the time sunny and hot totally unexpected plus  the peace and quiet of this idyllic county .....  when I say quiet, Tony breeds poultry, waterfowl and other birds, so the Cockerels dawn chorus was at first surprising but I soon got used to it,  the Peacocks where  noisy  but it really wasn't a problem.. I fell in love with one special breed of hen I called them  my Fat Bottom girls in pantaloons.
 Tony also has a  Mine on his land  called the `Wheal Mary Ann Mine`  a mineral mine, not tin like most mines in Cornwall so he is a very busy guy. Pam and I  had  time out in Tavistock to met up with her sister Shelly who  I hadn‘t seen for years,it was great to catch up.. I enjoyed the long sustained drive on the motorway, few could contain themselves to the speed limit but we moved at a steady pace without hold up or incident which was good. Back in Pershore where I was to spend  a couple of days  before going home Carol was kind enough to arrange for me to meet up with with  my niece Emma, my nephew  Chris his wife and children it was a lovely surprise.   I came home loaded with plants, recipes and  happy memories.  Thank you  Bill, Carol, Pam & Tony for your unending hospitality you are stars. XX

http://www.minecaptain.plus.com     Go Visit Tony's Website

Arrived home to a very dry and dusty garden, never dreamed we would have such sunshine. After mowing the grass and watering for a couple of hours it was soon back in control, lost a few pot plants but they can soon be replaced.
 By Wednesday I   was really tired and had developed a persistent cough that was becoming annoying.   So I took it easy for  a few days before joining Betty and Lucy on our planned trip to the  Annual Whit Friday Brass Band Contest  taking place in the eleven villages around Oldham & Saddleworth .We set off up the M62 and with some difficulty we finally found  the villages of Uppermill & Greenfield. It was a brilliant day we really enjoyed being part of the crowd  watching Bands from Switzerland, Germany and  all over the UK as they competed throughout the day. Afterwards we drove  very carefully over the moors  through a dense white fog  to Holme Firth to call on Betty’s cousin who was kind enough to provide supper. We took the long way home down the M62, which was clear and bright, arriving home rather late but happy with our day out.


Marching to the Competition Field

I was really rough over the long Diamond Jubilee weekend, (5days) watched some of the festivities on TV but I was to tired really to take it in. Stayed in bed until Wednesday as the cough was so dramatic I was shattered. I  slept most of the time but with adequate medication kept my cough and headache somewhat under control.  Today I am much improved and looking forward to getting out and about again.



Today Saturday, its cold and wet my central heating is back on and the warmer clothes  out again ! But the garden is  green and lush once more.
I am going to start looking for a new Computer chair as mine has suddenly started having a right sided list that is seriously affecting my back. Must admit it is ancient and has given excellent service, still looks good till you sit on it.!!

Post script :- I have mended the chair, with a six inch brass screw  forced in to the gap where a metal joint had given way. It now supports the right side of the seat and I am now level. Gives me time to breath before looking for a new chair.
Feeling better every day. :~)

Bye for now XX

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