Patio looking good
Repairing the Inspection Chamber
New metal cover, a perfect finish
Just love this random seedling, Natures gift.
My Dear Friends
Oh the inexpressible comfort
of feeling safe with a person; having neither
to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
but to pour them all out,
just as they are,
chaff and grain together,
knowing that a faithful hand will take
and sift them, keep what is worth keeping,
and then, with breath of kindness, blow the rest away.
George Elliot
The first really nice day we had in May I drove to Harrogate to see Stu and family. He had been down to Bolton prior to me going to Australia but I hadn’t been up North since Christmas. Oh how time flies, I am always amazed by the passing of the weeks, days, and hours, I can't believe it's June already. In January my GP suggested I had my hips X-rayed, as during the winter I had been having increasing episodes of severe cramp in my legs and recently acute pain on standing and climbing stairs. Well the result is I have arthritis, mainly in my right hip now with the medication and rest it has improved but it is always present so I will have to grin and bear it.
I decided to overhaul the Vitamin & Mineral supplements I take, not every day but most days. I introduced Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Zinc. Also started taking Korean Ginseng for a few weeks as it always picks me up and I didn’t take it in December like I usually do.. So after a few weeks on this regime I am feeling more alert and energised, whether it is auto suggestion or due to taking the supplements I don’t care.
Because of this new lease of life and lots of lovely sunshine I have been busy catching up on chores that had been put aside, really until I was in the mood. Well I surprised myself, eight jobs where tackled and successfully completed. New cords in the window blinds, two big loads of rubbish to tip,I am emptying my loft of years of accumulated junk ,Fixed the leak in the garden water butt, fixed new bathroom LED lights, bought a grass trimmer to ease my weary back then new dining room chairs, curtains/cushions to brighten the rooms,feels great. I also had treated myself to an I-Pad before I went to Australia and it has been such a joy to use, certainly much better than my Google Android tablet that is so slow.. It is definitely the way to go, I don’t feel tied to my PC any more and I haven’t used my laptop since I got the I-Pad. Its so convenient and easy to use, every day there is something new to discover. It syncs with my PC so work can be transferred instantly and I just love the camera its brilliant.
One rather annoying situation that has been around for 30 years or more has finally been resolved. We had a raised Sewer Inspection Chamber situated on the boundary between my neighbours drive and mine, servicing both houses,a real eyesore and a hazard to car tyres. Over the 50 years I have lived here the structure has gradually deteriorated and my new neighbours are parking heavy vehicles on the metal lid. I could see it deteriorating during the very wet winter and when I returned from Australia it looked as though it was in danger of collapsing . So I rang United Utilities Water Board to ask them to come and assess the damage.They responded within the hour and within the week it was repaired and a new metal plate supplied. I thought we would have a rather large bill to face for the repair ,shared between the two properties it could still be quite a significant amount. But we where informed that in 2010 Unities Utilities had taken responsibility for maintaining these sites and we wouldn’t get a bill. Now its been leveled with the drives and looks so much better I can reverse out of the garage with out the worry of hitting the raised manhole cover..
Another surprise I had was a wonderful telephone conversation with my cousin Leonard in Butte Montana. He is a widower living in an assisted care complex and I haven’t heard from him since his wife died a few years ago. But some Angel who is caring for him now,found one of my letters and arranged our conversation, wasn’t she the best. It was so special we have been such good friend, visiting Butte regularly since 1985 .It was good to hear his voice and sounding no different, still with that strong American accent that I remember so well. He was a navigator in the US Air force during WW11, stationed in England where he met and married my cousin Mona and took her home to live in Butte Montana. Big Smile, happy days.
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