Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Bolton Speaking Club Silver Jubilee Dinner

Yes the plumber did come and replace my soil pipe, so I am one happy lady. We are experiencing very severe gales since last night. The whole country has suffered over the weekend but it only started at 5pm yesterday evening. Its mainly affects the coastal areas with the spring tides and the low pressure these gale force winds have churned up the sea and flooded vulnerable parts of the coast once again. Last years floods were horrendous and the amount of trees that where felled by the gales, alarming. One thing that has bought a smile on my face The forsythia bush is full of blossom and yesterday I saw cherry tree blossoms just on the brink of pink. The bulbs are out in force too,so spring is not far away. I have to set my mind on to this Silver Jubilee Dinner we are having on April 5th. Bolton Speaking Club is now in its 25th year. We always have an annual Charter Dinner but it is usually quite formal and we have Speakers etc. This year its going to be informal and fun. I am pleased that this event falls on my year of office as BSC President as its going to be a memoriable occasion. We are expecting over 100 members and guests to attend. I am especially proud this year as both my sons will be my escorts for the evening. So I have to start looking for a new frock!
Last month I gave my first illustrated speech in 12 years to members of my own Women`s Institute on the Chernobyl Childrens Visit in 2007. Using my laptop and projector I was able to show photographs and diagrams that explained the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 21years ago and pictures of the childrens visit. It was very well received and I really enjoyed the experience and have a couple booking for later in the year. Next month I am speaking to a WI on my life as a midwife. I am busy looking for photos of me in my prime!!

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