Autumn has arrived the trees are slowly turning gold and all shades of yellow they look wonderful . We are experiencing an Indian Summer the days have been shorter but sunny and warm. Yet all today its rained heavy ,so I am catching up with the housework. Not as energetic and particular as I used to be, these days the dust only gets removed when I can taste it. Hah ha . I like to keep the floors clean, that is my only concession to being house proud and of course the bathroom gets attention regularly.
Attended two great poetry evenings it still amazes me how much talent there is around here.
Lynda and I went into Manchester Friday evening to see” Riders of the Storm” at the Royal Exchange Theatre Bar. Riders consist of guys for WOL and a wonderful jazz group called Honey Feet. Each Friday, different semi professional /amateurs have a free slot at the Royal Exchange from 6pm -7pm is very entertaining and a great way to start to the evening . Afterwards we went for something to eat then caught the train home. That weekend my son and his partner came on a visit, its always good to see him.
On the 30th of September everyone in the North West or even the UK had to retune their Digibox/Digital TV to receive new channel and services. In November Terrestrial TV will be no more and those who do not have digital will lose all the TV channels. I was very proud of myself as I tuned in the Freeview box in the bedroom and the TV in the lounge, so no need for eldest son. Now I have 50 plus channels which contains radio as well, very convenient. Had a lovely drive around the Rossendale Valley Sunday with my friend Muriel stopped of for lunch at a popular Pub to celebrate her birthday.
Historical Society Lecture this month on the” Peterloo Massacre was rather dry but very well attended. The room was so cold ,quite a chill setting in now once the sun goes down, its winter woollies from now on. Starting on my Korean Ginseng for the winter its good for boosting the immune system over the winter months. Although I will be in the sun most of the time, I want to be fit for the travel. I have started looking into what I will take with me. Over the years I have reduced the amount of clothes I take on holidays and down there I know it will be sunny and hot so its cotton and lightweights. But I bet I still have to sit on my case. My awesome car, my `Snow Queen` went in for its first service Friday I can’t believe its twelve months and I cant believe the amount they charge. They say its because of all the computerization on board, still she is worth it for the experience of driving in such a wonderful car..
National Poetry day was a damp squid for me I was just too fed up to get involved this year. Too many pulling my strings at the moment but I am now back to my usual self. Sorted the garden and some other long standing chores so I do feel better now. Looking after a house is a responsibility that I feel is wearing me down at times but I am not ready just yet to move house, eventually I will. The Lancashire Federation Women’s .Institute Autumn Council Meeting was held in Bolton this year, good to see people again it was a good meeting. I have won a Bursary to Denman College next year so I have to think what I want to do . Denman is the WI Residential College in Oxfordshire, Muriel and I enjoyed a weeks holiday in 2007 using the college as a base for touring around the county. So I am really looking forward to returning it’s a beautiful place.
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