We are certainly having a spell of mild weather, some days its really sunny and warm. One bonus is that the leaves are lying all around in golden crispy heaps, ready to be kicked around in a delightful childish urge. Love it. These wonderful warm autumn days cry out for children. I miss those days when the
the garden was filled with children’s laughter as they helped to rake the leaves, collect them in huge piles to dive into , scattering them to all four corners of the garden, lovely memories. Its not the same now, but I must admit I do enjoy working in the garden when it’s warm and sunny.
I wrote this poem last year after I had spent a sunny morning sweeping leaves feeling somewhat down until these happy memories lifted me up.
Lost Moments
On crisp sun bright mornings
As the wind swirls and scatters
Golden brown leaves far and wide,
I hear children calling,
Their laughter echoes through the air.
How I miss the days when my children then grandchildren
Helped me gather fallen leaves.
On sunny Autumn days.
It took longer, but the fun we had
Gathering leaves into mounds of colour.
That were just to tempting for little ones
Who dived, flaying arms and legs
Onto the pile of dry crisp leaves.
The golden shower kicked high into the air
Rained down on happy faces.
As we played amidst the laughter
On a sunny autumn day.
It takes time and patience
To tidy an Autumn garden.
Energy and motivation is now my enemy.
No more little helpers
No more happy laughter.
Just lost moments to recall
On sunny Autumn Days.
The clocks went back an hour on Sunday and who forgot, me. I always go to the gym early on Sundays, but fortunately I realised my error before leaving, otherwise I would have been sat on the steps for an hour. This week I have been busy clearing out cupboards and found a number of containers filled with copper coins . I obtained £1 coin packets from the bank and I spent all afternoon and most of the evening filling them, came to £14, nice little bonus but I was so tired and dizzy by the time I finished counting them. Saturday I took a drive with my friends Ann and Derek to the island of Anglesey off the coast of Wales. It takes just about two and half hours to get there now there is a motor way through to the Ferry terminal at Holyhead. We went to visit Ann’s 92 year old father, a very remarkable gentleman who has lived on Anglesey for the past 21years and is still driving, I really enjoyed meeting him. I have many happy memories of weekends away on Anglesey with my good friends Ann, Dorothy and Winifred, spent lolling about in Dorothy’s palatial caravan, wonderful walks by the sea. Lots of laughter , much eating and drinking,good friends good memories. In those days we had to take the coastal road with breathtaking scenery, most of the way, a longer drive but well worth it. Saturday the weather was dry and sunny we picked the right day as the day after, back to normal, storm force gales and torrential rain which caused flooding again. Some floods are due to leaves blocking the drains as usual every autumn, why the Council can’t sort this problem out, is a mystery.
History Lecture last evening was about King Richard 3rd, he was the King who is suspect in the murder of the Princes in the tower, still suspect but nothing conclusive. He was raised in Lancashire and spent most of his life here and in Yorkshire it was very interesting to hear about the history of Lancashire in his time a very volatile period.
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